Monday, April 27, 2015

Post It Note Project

For the Post-It Note Project...

I created a majestic picture of this dude. However, Grayson mainly did the work.
     We changed the color of the first picture to blues, red, and yellows. Then we made it into pixel blocks.
Afterwards, we stuck sticky notes onto a big green paper.

Grayson did everything, I sat there and watched him.


Hellow this is my first post

Art One Carter Thunes: Post-It Note Project

Art One Carter Thunes: Post-It Note Project: Hello young child. My name is Carter Toonis. The alphabet I can recite: azbdgkleafksdjafklqnasf, next time won't you sing with me! I...

Post-It Note Project

Hello young child. My name is Carter Toonis.

The alphabet I can recite: azbdgkleafksdjafklqnasf, next time won't you sing with me!

I wear clothes mainly, but sometimes I just wear blankets.
